十大特色服务 の 创意策划

1. 挖掘打造旅游景点的市场卖点和文化亮点
2. 创意旅游景点整体策划方案
3. 景点创意命名和传说故事及导游词的编写
4. 景点宣传口号、广告词、标志图案的征集或设计
5. 旅游产品的设计和开发
6. 旅游纪念品及衍生品的创意和研发

1. 策划世博旅游广告口号
2. 创意无锡市歌《太湖美》

Tourism Image Creation and Planning

1. Invent and cultivate marketable ideas and cultural highlights for tourist spots
2. Devise conceptual, overall plans for tourist spots
3. Create image-enhancing names for tourist spots, gather and compile legends and tales related to tourist spots, and create scripts and commentaries on these spots
4. Create catchphrases, promotional slogans, logos and so forth for tourist spots
5. Create and develop tourist products
6. Create and develop tourism souvenirs and other derivative products
Successful Cases:
1. Promotional slogans created for Shanghai Expo related tourism
2. City song created for Wuxi, "The Magnificent Tai Hu Lake"

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